reflecting on light & space

lumen prints & photo polymer intaglio on layered gampi
2021 – present

. statement

A series of photopolymer and lumen prints that reflect on our indirect awareness of objects, space and time.

While seasonal light reflected off of an object is not formally recognizable, the illumination is understood by our peripheral awareness to register a physical element in space, and adds to our subtle and intricate knowledge of our surroundings.  A calendar of light slowly builds — every June two sharp pinpoints of light emerge and bounce off the coffee machine, while soft undulating spotlights on the ceiling from the cat water bowls signal that July has arrived.

Multiple photographs of the light forms are printed and layered on translucent paper to record the evolving shapes of the reflected object.  And lumen prints expose silver gelatin paper directly to the light itself to record the passage of that shape over time.  The resulting soft palettes and fleeting abstract images speak to a sense of our surroundings that we create from the barest suggestion of information.  While at the same time they deny an accurate depiction or firm record of the event, lending doubt to the accuracy of individual observations.

. lumen print exposure video